Book Title Author(s) Interns Entry Level Mid Level Senior Level C-Suite
Appreciate: Celebrating People, Inspiring Greatness Robbins, Mike
Atomic Habits Clear, James
Conversational Intelligence Glaser, Judith E.
Crucial Accountability Patterson, Kerry, et al.
Crucial Conversations Patterson, Kerry, et al.
Dare to Lead Brown, Brene
Disrupt Yourself Johnson, Whitney
Everything DiSC: The Work of Leaders Wiley, Inc.
Find Your Why Sinek, Simon
Getting to Yes Fisher, Roger; Ury, William
Good to Great Collins, Jim
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything Grenny, Joseph; Patterson, Kerry; Maxfield, David
Love as a Business Strategy Anwar, Mohammad F.; Danna, Frank E.; et al.
Multipliers Wiseman, Liz
Never Split the Difference Voss, Chris
Outliers Gladwell, Malcolm
Positive Intelligence Chamine, Shirzad
Start with Why Sinek, Simon
Switch Heath, Chip; Heath, Dan
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Covery, Stephen R.
The Advantage Lencioni, Patrick
The Art of War Sun Tzu
The Coaching Habit Stanier, Michael Bungay
The EQ Difference Lynn, Adele B.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Lencioni, Patrick
The Five Temptations of a CEO Lencioni, Patrick
The Happiness Advantage Achor, Shawn
The Orange Frog Theory Achor, Shawn
The Infinite Game Sinek, Simon
The Leadership Challenge Kouzes, James M.; Posner, Barry Z.
The Magic of Thinking Big Schwartz, David. J.
The Power of Moments Heath, Chip; Heath, Dan
The Speed of Trust Covey, Stephen M. R.
What got you here won't get you there Goldsmith, Marshall; Reiter, Mark
When Reality Hits Berry, Nancy
Who Moved My Cheese Johnson, Spencer
Your Brain at Work Rock, David
Book Title Author Empathy Self-
Accountability Visionary
Empowerment Change
Communication Commitment to
Atomic Habits Clear, James
Crucial Accountability Patterson, Kerry, et al.
Crucial Conversations Patterson, Kerry, et al.
Dealing with Conflict at Work Cloke, Kenneth; Goldsmith, Joan
Difficult Conversations Stone, Douglas; Patton, Bruce; Heen, Sheila
Drive Pink, Daniel
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Bradberry, Travis; Greaves, Jean
Everything DiSC: The Work of Leaders Wiley, Inc
Getting to Yes Fisher, Roger; Ury, William
Good to Great Collins, Jim
How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies Carnegie, Dale
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything Grenny, Joseph, Patterson, Kerry; Maxfield, David; McMillan, Ron
Leaders Eat Last Sinek, Simon
Leading Change Kotter, John
Love as a Business Strategy Anwar, Mohammad F.;Danna, Frank E., et al.
Multipliers Wiseman, Liz
Never Split the Difference Voss, Chris
Outliers Gladwell, Malcolm
Positive Intelligence Chamine, Shirzad
Radical Candor Scott, Kim
Start with Why Sinek, Simon
Switch Heath, Chip; Heath, Dan
The Art of Possibility Zander, Rosamund Stone; Zander, Benjamin
The Art of War Sun Tzu
The Coaching Habit Stanier, Michael Bungay
The EQ Difference Lynn, Adele B.
The First 90 Days Watkins, Michael
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Lencioni, Patrick
The Five Temptations of a CEO Lencioni, Patrick
The Happpiness Advantage Achor, Shawn
The Infinite Game Sinek, Simon
The Magic of Thinking Big Schwartz, David J.
The Mendor Leader Dungy, Tony
The Power of Habit Duhigg, Charles
The Servant Hunter, James C.
The Speed of Trust Covey, Stephen M.R.
Who Moved My Cheese Johnson, Spencer
Your Brain at Work Rock, David

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